Someone has shared my intimate image without my consent

Retain evidence

  • Through screenshot, keep a record of the relevant useful information such as:

  • URLs containing the relevant content

  • Username of the original poster / the person who forwarded the intimate images

  • The date and time when the post was created; and the date and time when it was forwarded

  • The relevant intimate image/film being distributed

  • IP address of the original poster / the person who forwarded the images (if IP address is not displayed, it can still be retrieved from the network operator through the police)

  • Any other information you find useful.

Report and remove images that are being distributed

We understand that victims of image-based sexual violence would want to have the intimate image/video be removed immediately. However, if the perpetrator threatens or blackmails you with this intimate image/video, we encourage you to retain a screenshot of the relevant content before requesting for its removal. The screenshot can serve as evidence for further legal action and for reporting to relevant websites or social media platforms. Of course, you may first seek help from professional organisations, lawyers or police so as to come up with a safe and comprehensive response plan.

If you decide to report directly to the relevant websites or social media platforms, most of these sites have policies prohibiting the non-consensual distribution or forwarding of intimate images. They also have in place specific mechanisms for making reports and removal requests. Know more about resources for reporting and removing intimate images

For websites that offer no formal channel to request for content removal, you may send a direct email to make a report, but bear in mind:

  1. Avoid providing or disclosing any personal information

  2. Register a new email address for future contact

  3. Avoid providing your full name, ID card, photo, address, phone number or bank information, etc.

Ta-DA Take-Down Assistance

If you have had your intimate images shared online without your consent, we can help you to request for removal through our Take-Down Assistance service. The service aims to reduce the secondary trauma done to victim-survivors in the process.
Learn More →

Seek legal advice

  • Before taking any legal actions, consider seeking legal advice to learn about your legal rights.

  • RainLily provides free legal consultation to all victim-survivors, including survivors of sexual violence and image-based sexual violence. Through face-to-face consultation with pro-bono lawyers, you can learn more about the laws and your legal rights.

    More & Make an appointment →


Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women

My partner is requesting me to take intimate image


Coming across non-consensual intimate images online